Real Estate Lies

5 Lies and 1 Truth in Real Estate

Real Estate agents do and say lots of things to get people to buy or sell houses. Unfortunately, there’s no law that prevents consumers from making stupid decisions.

And it doesn’t matter how smart a consumer may be, they are susceptible to making stupid decisions.

Like the time a woman said, “Well, I’m 38 years old and single and my agent knew this so she shouldn’t have pushed me to buy this house because it’s more than I need.”

That doesn’t count. That’s on you.

If you can’t adult and make decisions for yourself then you shouldn’t be in the game.

There’s a lot of real estate noise out there in marketing, and we’re going to talk about 5 examples we’ve seen on the internet (or your mailbox) just in the last few months.

1. Lies on IG:

Buy when rates are low, not prices, with an arbitrary price and interest rate.  Oversimplified.

2. Lies in Snail Mail

Letter to Sandra. Also, don’t mail your literal garbage to someone’s house.

3. Lies in Hashtags:

If you believe Hashtag realtorlife you’ll think all we are all shiny happy people, strategically posing in coffee shops wearing a cocktail dress and a huge smile, with professional photogs who follow us around like we’re on Million Dollar Listing. We weren’t accidentally negotiong this deal when a prof photog happened to show up. People stop this madness. If you don’t haven’t been eating chex mix  and bear claws from the Exxon in between showings and you don’t have under-boob sweat, you’re not doing this right.

What if you’re a man?

Still applies if you’re a man.

4. HCT personal favorite – Lies in Advertising:

Real Estate Agents who say we’ll sell your house or we’ll buy it.

If you listed your house for sale and no one made an offer then you didn’t price at market value. There is no bad real estate. There are only bad prices.

These offers imply that you list for $500,000, no one buys it,  the agent will buy it for $500,000. Oh no. That is not how it works. And there is so much tied up in this that warrants a closer look. Check the fine print.

You will be required to do a bunch of things to attempt to sell. Is this helping the seller? No it’s the agent helping themselves – to your equity. This is going to turn into a lawsuit one of these days.

5. Lies From Online Lenders:

Rate tease. Check the APR, that shows how much junk fees you’re paying

6. Truth:

Tens of thousands of followers on guru accounts on social and no comments – fake paid followers.
