Georgetown DC | Living in High-Profile DC Neighborhood

Georgetown DC | Living in High-Profile DC Neighborhood

June 21, 2024

Georgetown DC What neighborhood recently discovered the remains of 28 slaves underground, is home to a University that only stayed solvent due to the sale of 272 slaves to Louisiana, and has reinvented itself more times than Madonna? GEORGETOWN! We are also going to talk to you about the biggest tourist trap in the city […]

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Biggest Lie About Selling a House in DC

April 12, 2024

Biggest Lie About Selling a House in DC I met a client recently to discuss the sale of their home. They are moving on to greener pastures and selling their biggest investment. They are interviewing a lot of listing agents, and those conversations helped inform them of questions to ask other agents. One of the […]

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What’s a DC Rowhome?

February 23, 2024

DC Rowhome If you aren’t familiar with housing in older cities like DC or Baltimore, the term “rowhome” may be new to you. Since the rowhome is a prevalent style of home in Washington DC, we’re going to not only discuss what you need to know about them but also take you inside one! Harry […]

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