DCPS Will Land Me in an Early Grave
Things I don’t have time for: another school committee.
Things this idiot just volunteered for: another school committee.
When I heard the history of said committee, I felt like I couldn’t not help. I shared my interpretation of how DC Public Schools work (or rather, don’t work) with a parent of older children. They congratulated me on figuring it out quickly, as most people never realize the clusterf*ck that is DC Public Schools.
There will be more to come from me on this as I learn that the powers that be just don’t care. I don’t mean at the school level – I’m talking the downtown “OSSE” level.
Speaking of not caring, the Pre-K class is still in the West Wing, aka the trailer park. They were supposed to be there 2 weeks. We’re now in week 3. My most recent outrage came as a result of learning that the parent who started all this “I saw mouse poop” drama and demanded the students be relocated – her kid hasn’t been at school for a week. So, uh, thanks for getting all our kids sent to this stupid ass trailer while your kid stays home. In what is not a trailer, I assume. . Traps have been set all over the place and not a creature has been caught, not even a mouse. Yes. You read that correctly. Not. One. Mouse.
And now a storm is a-coming. So, I’ll be keeping Chubs home for most of this week because I’m not playing this game. I saw the Wizard of Oz. I know what happens to trailers in natural disasters. I’ll put Chubs to work. She can help me write an offer for my client, who is too smart to pay list priced for yet another overpriced listing.
The rain this week is killing real estate. I have a pretty cool studio listing that has gotten very little traffic because while people will house hunt in the snow and ice, they won’t do it in the rain. It’s sort of interesting but it’s how I got my house in Glover Park. We were coming off of 10 straight days of rain several years back. I was 8 months pregnant with Chubs and had no desire to look at this house as I was convinced it was underpriced and would sell in a bidding war. But it didn’t. Thanks rain! We got a good house and a good deal for all parties.
And for the file marked “Awesome Things Other Real Estate Agents Have Said to Me,” this week we have this gem. I called a listing agent to ask a couple basic questions and was met with a string of “I don’t know’s.” Finally he said, “Clearly I know NOTHING about this listing, you seem to know more than I do.”
Yeah. That’s our industry, people. There it is. Blech.