Four is the New 17
School continues to provide a never-ending source of frustration and entertainment.
M’s bestie told her mama that a girl in their class said that she doesn’t like Hillary Clinton because certain types of people give her money.
(This is why my parents spoke Greek at home, so we wouldn’t go running our mouth about what they think of the world.)
This is what gold is made of, people.
In other news, this note that came home in Chub’s Folder.
Stupidity knows no bounds. It really doesn’t matter if your 4 year old has homework or not, it’s not going to make them smarter in the long run. Maybe people believe that their kid is Harvard-bound if they start homework shortly after they are ejected from the womb but, seriously?
My child can’t even remember to wipe her butt after she uses the bathroom and she’s supposed to do homework now?
This is the note I’m sending back:
The Pre-K Teachers will expect nothing less of me. The last time I spoke with them, they said the Mouse-Mom said “I am being z’attacked by zee people for zee mice!” (It’s my best attempt at a French accent.) (She’s not even French, I don’t know why I did that.)
Not “people.” Me. That was me attacking you, because you were being an idiot. Just like the parent who asked for homework.
It’s gonna be a long year.