M’s elementary school does a cute little performance of all the Kindergartners and then we have a feast with our littles right after. The parents sign up for various food items. The person who signed up for plates and napkins was 15 minutes late which was mega-annoying. My excuse is that the corn, that I also signed up for at the last minute, wasn’t cooperating.

I’m unsure how I managed this, but inside the pot where I was steaming the corn, there were frozen kernels and burned kernels. Only me. Pulled it out of the pot and put it in the microwave and that wasn’t working either. It was a miserable failure. I took what was passable, left the rest on the stove and hoofed it up to the school.

(I mean, come on, who the hell can’t cook corn???)

I caught the performance, and also got the plates there in time (and that stupid corn.) I saw M in her little Turkey Hat she made up there on stage with her “team.” The team is made up of two other cuties who she seems to hang with the most, who thankfully, because it’s all about me, have moms I totally think are awesome.

After the performance, the three girls ended up at the same table with their mama’s while I served some of the food for the kids. Then I joined M and her “team” to eat. When the girls were done they got up to run around and play but left behind the turkey hats. One of the mama’s picked up her daughter’s hat and read what was written on the feathers.

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Mama 1 reads the hat. “I’m thankful for God. GOD? That’s weird.”

Mama 2 and I laughed. Mama 2 picks up her daughter’s hat.

“I’m thankful for God. What? What are they teaching them?”

We all had another good laugh. I leaned over to grab M’s hat. I fully expected hers to say the same thing because M usually does what her friends do.

This is M’s hat.

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Thanks for nothin, mofo’s!

On second inspection, I noticed she actually wrote something, then erased it.  So she is, in effect, thankful for nothing. Well played, M. Well played.

Happy Thanksgiving!
