It’s been eventful here around the Real Estate compound. Chubs somehow twisted her ankle and we ended up in the ER in the middle of flu season. The older I get, the less of a night owl I am, and this post-midnight visit was no exception. The last place I wanted to be was in the waiting room of the ER, with the harsh florescent lights shining down on me like I was under interrogation.

Wait. let me rephrase. The last place I wanted to be was in the waiting room of the ER with the harsh florescent lights in the middle of flu-season and everyone was wearing masks and one poor guy was visibly GREEN. I felt horrible for him, he was clearly in major pain and yet, he and his companions were making sympathetic faces at Chubs. Please. Chubs was riding her scooter and then dropped it right in her own path where she promptly forgot about it, then even more promptly tripped over it. You’re GREEN!

The processional of doctors and nurses came in to ask what happened. I never understood this about hospitals. Don’t any of them talk to each other so we don’t have to repeat the same story? And besides, the answer to “How did she get hurt so bad that she can’t walk” was “I don’t know because I wasn’t watching her.”

Anyway, they had to do x-rays. She was a champ. She just covered her eyes like she did when we went though the Haunted Mansion at Rehoboth.


The x-ray didn’t say much, other than that Chubs’s body composition is 5% bones, 5% blood and 90% chocolate. I have failed as a mother.

Speaking of failing as a mother, today was the 100th day of school. Apparently this is a “thing” where the kids dress like old people on the 100th day of school. Do. Not. Comprehend.

Anyway, I was zero help on this. I had Lasik so we have no glasses in the house to loop on a chain. I try not to own moo-moo’s and bathrobes. And M has blonde hair so this whole baby powder in the hair wouldn’t have done much.

She went to school in her usual Old Navy garb.

I kind of never realized how much work school actually is. For the parents, I mean. And I’m only at Kindergarten in this house. Argh. I guess this is why Summer Nanny had to come back already. She started in January, just so she can make sure she’s here when summer arrives I bet. We’re glad she’s back. Maybe I can task her with these random school things that cause work for us.
