Arlington VA Public Schools [THE TRUTH!]

September 14, 2022

Arlington VA Public Schools Arlington County Schools have generally been held in pretty high regard. But then we had Covid, it seemed that the loyalty and support many school districts once had fell by the wayside as parent’s were affected by their specific school’s response to Covid. So how did Arlington County do? And now […]

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Montgomery County MD Schools [FACTS!]

August 31, 2022

Montgomery County MD Schools Montgomery County, Maryland Schools historically were considered among the best in the country. The schools fell out of favor when they adopted Common Core in 2010. They switched to a new curriculum right before Covid. How are they doing and how do families feel about sending their kids to Montgomery County […]

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DC Public Schools

August 17, 2022

DC Public Schools Public school in DC has come a long way. Many will argue that this is a tale of two cities, though, with “west of the park” and “east of the park” being a dividing line. But that has changed as well as a lot of other things about public school in DC, […]

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American University Park | Things to Know About Living Here

American University Park | Things to Know About Living Here

May 05, 2021

AU Park, or American University Park is in “upper nw.” AU Park is mostly residential but there is one commercial strip off Massachusetts Avenue, plus easy access to Tenleytown.

It’s on the west side of Wisconsin, extends up to Western Ave. The neighborhood was named for American University, and AU sits right at the boundaries of AU Park.

Red line metro is in Tenleytown, but it’s called the Tenleytown/AU Park Metro.

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No Answers, Just Questions

October 11, 2020

DC Real Estate “Hey Melissa, you’re going to think this is crazy, but I had an idea…” Ooh ooh! Let me guess! You want to buy a house out in the middle of nowhere… because now that you’re working from home, and you can homeschool your kids, you can pretty much go anywhere, right? The […]

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Homeschooling, DCPS Style!

Homeschooling, DCPS Style!

August 31, 2020

Homeschooling with DCPS Style At some point during the summer, DCPS sent out a survey asking for our opinions on how homeschooling went. Really? It was necessary to ask us how it went? That’s like asking how 9/11 was. It wasn’t good, dude. It wasn’t good. You want to know how it went? It was […]

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