Bananas Never Survive a Roadtrip

Bananas Never Survive a Roadtrip

December 08, 2018

Bananas Never Survive a Roadtrip Today is Real Estate Dad’s birthday. I thought about not saying anything until 10 minutes to midnight like he did to me last year, but I decided not to. I mean, I don’t want anyone to think I hold a grudge or anything. Besides, he looked so good when he […]

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Class Mom on Crack

Class Mom on Crack

October 28, 2018

Class Mom on Crack | The Real Estate Market The real estate market has come to a skidding halt. There. I said it. Summers and Holidays are always slow times, but come September and January, all the agents out there prep themselves for the return of the market. We never quite know what it will […]

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Four is the New 17

Four is the New 17

September 18, 2018

Four is the New 17 School continues to provide a never-ending source of frustration and entertainment. M’s bestie told her mama that a girl in their class said that she doesn’t like Hillary Clinton because certain types of people give her money. (This is why my parents spoke Greek at home, so we wouldn’t go […]

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DCPS Will Land Me in an Early Grave

DCPS Will Land Me in an Early Grave

September 10, 2018

DCPS Will Land Me in an Early Grave Things I don’t have time for: another school committee. Things this idiot just volunteered for: another school committee. When I heard the history of said committee, I felt like I couldn’t not help. I shared my interpretation of how DC Public Schools work (or rather, don’t work) […]

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School, Corgis & Realtoring ~ Hitting Snags

School, Corgis & Realtoring ~ Hitting Snags

September 06, 2018

School, Corgis & Realtor Things I’ll start with the good. M: Mommy, when we say the Pledge of Allegiance at school, the Principal makes everyone wearing a hood take off their hood. Why? DCREM: Because it’s a sign of respect, and the Principal is right, people should take off their hats. M: Then we sing […]

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It Was a Rough First Week of School

It Was a Rough First Week of School

August 26, 2018

Rough First Week of School Real Estate Dad: You need to give up on this school stuff. Me: It’s only been a couple days! Real Estate Dad: I know, and it’s driving you crazy. Me: You said I’m not paying enough attention to the kids so I get involved in their school, join a committee […]

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