Mid Spring 2022 Real Estate Market Update

April 20, 2022

2022 Real Estate Market Update It’s the middle of spring 2022, and 3 months since my original housing market update. Let’s do a DC Housing Market Update. There’s no inventory! House prices keep going up! Even if rates go up prices won’t go down! And even if they go down, you’ll still be paying more […]

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DC Sucks! | 6 Reasons NOT to Move to DC

DC Sucks! | 6 Reasons NOT to Move to DC

April 13, 2022

Reasons NOT to move to DC I know I’m supposed to be pro-DC since I make my living here and raise my family here. But every city has things that aren’t great and DC is no exception 1. Traffic I don’t want to look back wistfully on the early days of Covid but from a […]

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Escalation Clause | Best and Final Offer In Real Estate

April 07, 2022

Escalation Clause Escalation Clauses – Watch Out for the Trap! When there are multiple offers, buyers will be advised by their agent most likely that they need to put in their escalation. So, what is an escalation? Escalation is the statement written into a purchase offer that automatically increases your purchase price by a certain […]

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Top 10 Best Arlington VA Neighborhoods

Top 10 Best Arlington VA Neighborhoods

March 09, 2022

Top 10 Best Arlington VA Neighborhoods With over 50 different Arlington neighborhoods, it’s an impossible task to pick the best 10. Making a “best of” list depends on what someone is looking for. Are you price sensitive? Need great schools? Want walkability? The answer would change based on what you need. There are a lot […]

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