Spring 2015 Real Estate Market Update
Also published on the Huffington PostAnd, we’re off to the races!The spring real estate market in D.C. is about to be in full swing. What spring market conditions would be like was anyone’s guess since leading up to the holidays was just one long coma. Listings were...
Toddler Vocabulary Hell
The Little Pirate has this weird habit of carrying all her things with her from room to room. When she shows up in the middle of the night and wants to get in bed with us and we’re too tired to argue, she inevitably gets out of bed after we let her in, just to run...
The More Things Change, the More They Change
I’m not even going to bother lamenting about the fact that it’s been almost three months since an update. Excuses are for losers.The Little Pirate really got down with Christmas this year. She’s all about that Santy-Clause character as she calls him. In fact, she’s...
Car Seat Nonsense
I’ve had this post in the hopper for a few months and then a debate on a friend’s Facebook wall led me back here to dust this off and hit publish. In a nutshell, there was significant commenting about how one person is a certified safety expert or something and they...